Author: Elmer

Payment Gateway

Payment Gateway

Yes, we are proud to present you our new product; it’s called CryptoLocalPAY. CryptoLocalPAY is a payment gateway that allows all e-commerce to accept Bitcoin and Altcoin in an easy, fast and secure way and with Lightning Network technology. – Easy because if your e-commerce is based on WooCommerce, Prestashop, Drupal or Magento you just need […]

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The first Sicilian CryptoLocalATM

The first Sicilian CryptoLocalATM

As announced a few weeks ago, it is with great pleasure we to inform you that the first and only bitcoin and altcoin ATM in the great Sicilian capital has just been installed. Our CryptoLocalATM has been granted to the affiliate CLP GROUP, installed inside the LOP (store of electronic cigarette) in the central Corso [...]

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